Monday, May 10, 2010

thought for the day

Sometimes I worry that my life will never be as exciting as it is right now. Not that life in Nigeria is glamorous, but I am anticipating some letdown, at least initially.

Today I found myself a little piece of two-penny wisdom:

Your life is an occasion. Rise to it.

I will not let myself forget that every inch of my life matters, not just the overseas parts.

For the record, that quote came from the illimitable genius of Dustin Hoffman in "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium." Yes, occasionally I watch kids' movies. I'm a teacher. Don't judge me.


  1. Maggie, I love you. And your honest. And I watch kids movies shamelessly, teacher or no. :)

    Most recent?


  2. By that I meant, your honesty.
