Thursday, January 7, 2010

Give me an antonym for subtle... 'cause that's what this shout-out is

Someone asked me today who my heroes are. I didn't even have to voice a pensive "hmm..." I knew so quickly and with so much certainty. (One who speaks in cliches might add 'beyond a shadow of a doubt' but I'm no longer such a one.)

These folks are my heroes. They are my 3 best friends, my kindred spirits, my might-as-well-be-blood-they-know-me-so-well sisters.
And their husbands, on New Year's Eve (best night of 2009).
Meet L, T&C, A&K. When we were silly high school girls, we gave ourselves the acronym CALM. (I voted for CLAM, personally...) Now we're [mostly] grown-up, some with husbands, one with a baby, all with careers. The Constant, of course, throughout the last 5 years has been our God, who has kept us knitted together against time, distance, and change.

I could go on an on about how crazy successful these women are. I could tell you about graduating college in 2 years, graduating cum laude, graduating Ivy League, weddings, nursing school, medical school, first apartments, first houses, India, Haiti, Switzerland, Maine, Minnesota, and the 16-month-old heart-stealer named J. I could tell you all that. Or I could simply tell you how lucky I am to call them my friends. Yeah, let's stick to that. It's less obvious.

I just want you to know that I have the best friends in the world. Underscore on the "God has blessed me richly" part.

As if it wasn't obvious already, I really love and miss these women.


  1. You can always put a smile on my face! :) Thank you for your sweet words. God has truly been so good to us, to keep us closer than sisters despite time and distance and our differences. And what an amazing thing that we will all share eternity together! I miss you terribly, and love you so very much!

  2. Audrey Thomas09 January, 2010

    You are truly blessed by the friendships of these women and their husbands. I have thanked the Lord many times for them as I know you have. I have a feeling that the four of you will be able to "pick right up where you left off" regardless of the distances that separate you. Love you!

  3. This touched my heart so much just now! I was just journaling about the four of us the other day and being amazed by the sisterhood we share. By the way, there is a letter on its way to you!!
