Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Getting Flashed...is not what you think

I SO do not have time to be blogging right now, but funny stories take priority over writing tests at this moment in time.

There's a distinct Nigerian cell phone culture here. Everyone's really into getting TV on their phone, listening to music on their phone (kids have music phones as opposed to iPods), abbreviating all possible words in text messages.
I'm not kidding about that last one. The following is a verbatim text I received this week: "They wer al up in ma face bout it. bt I get a secnd chance." Yes, for real. I cn txt jus lyk dat if i rly wnt 2.

We also have this phenomenon called flashing: calling someone and letting it ring just long enough that their phone flashes once. It's technically free, as long as the person you're flashing doesn't pick up. I've been told that flashing means "Hey, how are you? I'm thinking about you."

Today I got flashed by a number I didn't recognize. I was about to call it back when they flashed a second time. Since the phone was already in my hand, I answered on the first ring. I only had time to say hello before they dropped the call. So then I texted the number: "Who is this?"

This is the text I got back:
"Sorry, i meant to call my grandma nd noticed it was a wrong number wen i heard ur voice...FYI, u got a good voice."

Oh, man, I love Nigeria.