Saturday, October 17, 2009

Just Call Me Anne...with an "e"

I've always loved the "Anne of Green Gables" movie. The two-tape VHS set was one of my Christmas presents circa 1999. Mrs. O, my landlady, is also a fan of the franchise, and invited me to watch the first two movies with her. We finished the sequel tonight and I'm realizing more and more how much I'm like Anne Shirley.

Let me count the ways:
1. Anne Shirley was a headstrong, over-imaginative bookworm as a child. What a coincidence, so was I.
2. Anne Shirley took offense easily and tried to outdo everyone's expectations for her. Strangely enough, I do the same thing.
3. Anne Shirley became a teacher., too.
4. Anne Shirley moved away from her home on P.E.I. to see a new part of the world by working as a teacher. Are we seeing a theme yet?
5. Anne Shirley was proposed to twice and turned them both down. I have been proposed to once since arriving in Nigeria (and declined) I'm halfway there.
6. Anne Shirley finally realized her true feelings for her childhood friend Gilbert Blythe only after refusing his proposal and after he fell sick with typhoid fever. Okay, the similarities stop there, I guess.

I'm not going to read too much into this comparison. It's just a movie. She's just a strong protagonist. And it's still just my overactive imagination.

Then again, if your name is Gilbert Blythe, I'd like to talk to you.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie- I love you. Don't ever lose your imagination!
