Monday, February 8, 2010

two in one day...aren't you lucky?

Living 6,400 miles away means I gave up my primary source of community. I feel like this blog and my Facebook account gives me back a part of that community. If that is sacrilege I immediately confess it. But it feels true.

(That is the shortest blog post you will ever read from me.)


  1. Nothing wrong with that, in my humble little opinion. Your blog is just that - yours - and you needn't feel ashamed to make it whatever you wish.

    My $.02! Not that you asked, but still... Another beauty of the blog, right? - unsolicited comments and feedback! :)

  2. Hi Maggie. I don't know if you remember me. But I'm Joanna and we met last month when I visited your church for the first time. At that time, I just got off the plane and was still a bit jetlagged. Anyways, I found your blog while I was google-ing expats living in Abuja/Nigeria. So funny enough that I found yours. Hope you are doing well. I enjoyed reading your blog and how honest you are about your thoughts on living abroad, esp here in abuja. I'm hoping to come visit your church again! I'm still getting used to maneuvering around this city =) Perhaps we can meet up sometime! Take care!

  3. nothing wrong with a short (or long!) blog :-)
