Thursday, May 13, 2010


Time for two new(er) pictures. I briefly considered deleting the captions and letting you guess, but that game of Pictionary might just be too difficult.

These pictures are from a recent trip to Kubwa for a coworker's wedding. In the white bathtubs above are various assortments of flopping, gasping fish. For real.

A fruit stand in Kubwa: in the back are oranges, then pineapples, papayas (pawpaw) under the burlap cover, watermelon and mangoes in front.

For the record, I've been attempting to post this for over a month. Uploading photos is a constant challenge here. spite of the delay.

1 comment:

  1. Audrey Thomas13 May, 2010

    Love the photos! Can't get enough of "every day in NIgeria" photos but understand the difficulty with uploading them.

    Stay safe with the storms and keep snappin' those fotos!
