Sunday, May 9, 2010

the ugly truth

There's not enough honesty these days. Let's start a revolution. I'll go first, okay?

1. I eat when I'm bored. It's not such a problem here in Nigeria, where the readily-available snacks include peanuts and mangoes, but it might be a problem when I move home.

2. Every day I become a little bit more like my mom. Happy Mother's Day, Mama! I love you!

3. I hate chalk. My students find this hilarious. I wrap my chalk in masking tape so I don't have to touch it. Interestingly enough, I can scrape my nails down a chalkboard--no problem--but chalk dust gives me the shivers.

4. My full name is Margaret Emma, but I never met either great-grandmother whose name I bear. I wish I knew more about them.

5. The astronomical maternal mortality rates in Nigeria really bother me. I wish I had a background in medicine or nursing so I could make a difference in that area.

6. I always cry in the first 2 minutes of Love Actually. The Heathrow Airport arrivals gate scene gets me every time.

7. Given the opportunity, I would share just one message with every teenage girl: You are beautiful. I feel like this world would be a different place if every girl believed that about themselves.

8. I am judgmental. I think it is my ugliest flaw, and the most stubborn one to ditch.

9. I'm very aware of how other people see me and I worry what others think of me. It is grossly unhealthy and quite hypocritical. See #7.

10. Someday I'm going to own a yellow Labrador. I hope this is sooner rather than later.

Okay, your turn. Leave a comment and tell me something true about you.


  1. Audrey Thomas10 May, 2010

    Okay. I'll play your game.

    Sometimes I go into your bedroom. I just stand there in the doorway, imagining you sitting in your reading chair, with your lamp on behind you. Sometimes I go to your closet, in hopes of "smelling" you on the clothes that you left behind. Tears are sometimes involved.

    Sorry if this sounds morbid. But I think it speaks to how much you're missed. The next six weeks can't fly by fast enough. We're all counting the days.

    Love you so much,

  2. Can I help you pick out your Labrador? There is a really cute one that lives near our apartment complex and it likes to give lazy barks at Jack when we walk by.

    My truth: I am also very judgmental, and have a major "older brother" complex (as in the older brother in the Prodigal Son). Thanks for your honesty. I am glad you are starting that revolution.

  3. Anonymous16 May, 2010

    I once taught this little girl in 2nd grade that I knew would grow up and change her world for Jesus~ and I was right!

    Honestly~ I am the most judgemental person you've ever met~ claiming to others what I think kids will grow up to be.... Thanking God that with YOU I was exactly right!!!!!
    Love you Mags;)
