Wednesday, May 12, 2010

when it rains it pours

Oh-ho-ho but the rainy season has hit. It rains almost daily now, with the inevitable loss of power, too (we're on generator as I write).

I woke up last night to the most powerful wind I've ever heard. If we'd been in the States, I'm sure it would have been tornado weather. The wind was absolutely screaming through the flat. The pressure changes even blew my bedroom door open.

You guys, I was terrified. (Shh...don't tell anyone.)

I'm not a big fan of storms to begin with. Thunder is fascinating and all, and I've seen some pretty incredible lightning storms since moving here, but I still prefer to be inside, warm and dry.

I huddled in the fetal position--my usual, but nonetheless comforting, sleeping stance--and honestly prayed that God would calm the storm! I even scoped out where to go if the wind started shattering windows. When I felt brave enough to look at the clock, it was 5am...nearly time to get up. The generator started soon after that, and the wind and rain died down as it started getting light.

When we left for school, we learned that the outdoor gazebo on the other side of the compound had blown down, part of the roof had been lifted off, the basketball hoop was ripped out of the ground, and the upstairs parts of the compound were flooded (our ground-level flat was completely spared!). Some of the shanties next to our compound blew down, too. We saw trees down all throughout the city, and a cement post fell on a parked car across the street from the school.

Mrs. O said she imagines this is what hurricane winds are like...and she said she prayed that God would calm the wind and rains, too! Glad I wasn't the only one.

Here's to crazy storms, protection, and staying dry!

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